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Off the Grid: Sally breaks down Back Channels

There are spoilers ahead. You might want to solve today’s puzzle before reading further! Back Channels
Constructor: Jay Silverman
Editor: Jared Goudsmit
Jay: As you might imagine, this puzzle is the product of watching just a wee bit too much television whilst growing up in suburban Upstate NY. After all, there wasn’t much else to do.  But if you’re the sort who enjoys a good crossword but doesn’t watch or own a television – well, mea culpa. You’ll have to forgive me.
My thanks, as ever, to Amanda and Jared at the USA Today team for giving me this opportunity to create something fun and share it with the world. They made this puzzle better than what I initially pitched them, and I’m grateful to them for it.  
Good luck, everyone! Happy solving!
BACK CHANNELS: A TV CHANNEL is found at the BACK (end) of each theme answer: ABC, USA, and E!
I am one of those people that Jay mentioned in his constructor’s note who enjoys crosswords and doesn’t own a TV. However, I still enjoyed this puzzle! This is a great set of theme answers. My favorite theme answer today is ANNE WITH AN E; though I haven’t seen the TV series, I thoroughly enjoyed the books when I was a kid. Thank you, Jay, for this excellent puzzle.
